The Writing Equipment Society (UK) established in 1980, has a membership of around 600 of whom 150 are overseas members, and is devoted to the conservation, study and collection of all types of writing equipment and associated material, including pens, both ancient and modern, pencils of all types and materials, nibs, inkwells, stamp boxes, quill cutters, seals, writing slopes, letter scales, paper knives and ephemera.
The society has two main objectives. First to record the history of writing equipment and to encourage the conservation of both utilitarian and fine items. Secondly to provide opportunities for collector to sell and exchange and to meet and correspond in an informal way.
The Journal of the Writing Equipment Society is published 3 times a year and is sent free to members. It publishes articles on a wide range of subjects relating to vintage and modern writing equipment, reports on meetings and letters from members. Reviews of new books appear frequently.

Pen Collectors of America PCA (USA): has developed from the Southern California Pen Collectors Club as a result of increasing national interest in vintage pen research and collecting. The club membership now exceeds 1,800 and the Reference Library contains over 10,000 pages on vintage pens. Member receive The Pennat 3 times a year and can order photocopies of the material of the Reference Library.
El club de la lapicera de Argentina is organised around Casa Pintos, Buenos Aires, but at the moment has not a website. |